What is the Best Bible for Beginners?

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What is the best Bible for beginners?

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15) KJV

It is not at all a difficult answer for me to give when the question is raised, “What is the best Bible for beginners”? Without hesitation, I can say that the best Bible for beginners is the Life Application study Bible. If you are a new Christian and looking for a good Bible to assist you in drawing closer to Christ, then I cannot recommend a better Bible then the Life Application. As I always say, the study notes in the Life Application Study Bible are delivered in a way that make you feel as though you are having a one on one sit down with your own personal pastor. The study notes are informative but more than that they are challenging. The notes challenge and guide the reader in their everyday walk with the Lord.

Another great attribute that makes this the best Bible for beginners is the personality profiles. The Life Application Study Bible does an outstanding job at introducing the people that played a significant role in the Bible. The Personality profiles not only introduce you to the people in the Bible, but provides the reader with their strengths and weaknesses. These biographies given for each person in the personality profiles, provides the reader with a more in depth understanding of the failures and victories that the most evil and the most God fearing people alike.

Each book of the Life Application Study Bible also opens with great introductory sections. These book introductions really assist the reader in learning by providing a very informative yet simplistic blue print for the book that is about to be read. The introductions prepare the reader by providing them with the author of the book, the location where the story takes place, the theme of the book and so much more.

It is for all these reasons that the best Bible for beginners, is easily the Life Application Study Bible.

Now then, Life Application comes in many different English translations. If you are a new Christian then you may not be very familiar with all the different translations therefore, I have included a diagram below of the most current translations available. I hope this chart will assist you in choosing the best translation for you. I have also added a link under the Bible translation chart that will provide you with more information as it relates to Bible translations if you want to learn more. A list of four Life Application Study Bibles has also been included, all varying in different English translations, to assist you in furthering your search for the best Bible for beginners.

Best Bibles for Beginners

This is the Life Application Study Bible in the King James version.

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This is the Life Application Study Bible in the New International version.

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This is the Life Application Study Bible in the New Living translation

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This is the Life Application Study Bible in the New Living translation in chronological order.

I hope this list will help you find the best Bible for you.  Think another bible should be on the list for beginners?  Leave a comment below and let me know what you think is the best Bible for beginners.

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